Parish Announcements and Flyers:

Check back often for information and upcoming events!

February 21, 2025
1. A St. Andrew Dinner for Vocations is being sponsored by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Las Cruces on Friday, March 28. All young men who are high school seniors, college-aged, and young adults, are exclusively invited to this event. RSVPs are due on March 23rd. Please check the flyer on the bulletin boards for more info. 2. The grief support group is starting again and will run from February 25th through May 20th, on Tuesdays from 1:30 to 3 PM in St. Peter’s Community Room. Please see the flyer on the bulletin boards for more information. 3. On the first Friday of each month, Fr. Jarek will begin celebrating Mass for multiple intentions. This is to be helpful to those who have forgotten to add their intentions, or for those occasions when we have to cancel Masses that are already reserved for a parishioner’s intention. 4. Due to only five parishioners responding, the UIM dinner scheduled for February 28 has been canceled. If you would like more information regarding UIM, please pick up a brochure in the back of the church. This weekend is the UIM commitment weekend, and we have envelopes in the pews and the back of the church. We have provided tables if you’d like to fill out your commitment envelopes after Mass and drop them in the collection boxes provided, or you can bring them to the office or put them in next week’s collection. If you need any assistance with the form, the QR code, or using the Diocese online page, please contact the office. Thank you for all your donations! 5. Please see the bulletin and the bulletin boards for information about the upcoming All Saints Catholic School Book Fair. 6. After the final blessing, we will watch the UIM video provided by the Diocese.
February 14, 2025
1. A St. Andrew Dinner for Vocations is being sponsored by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Las Cruces on February 28, 2025. All young men who are high school seniors, college-aged, and young adults, are exclusively invited to this event. RSVPs are due on February 24, 2025. There will also be a St. Andrew Dinner for Vocations at Assumption in March. Please check the flyer in the bulletin or contact Fr. Jarek for more information. 2. Grief Share, the grief support group, is starting again and will run from February 25th through May 20th, on Tuesdays from 1:30 to 3 PM in St. Peter’s Community Room. Please see the flyer on the bulletin boards for more information. 3. In the back of the church and inside the bulletins, you will find a brochure with information about UIM. Next weekend, we will have the UIM commitment weekend. Then, on February 28, we will have the UIM dinner at 6 PM in the parish hall. Come enjoy a catered dinner, during which Fr. Jarek will explain more about UIM and share the parish financial report from 2024 and plans for 2025. Please RSVP for the dinner by Monday, February 24. Now, we will hear a testimony on why it’s important to support the UIM appeal. 4. On the first Friday of each month, Fr. Jarek will begin celebrating Mass for multiple intentions. This is to be helpful to those who have forgotten to add their intentions, or for those occasions when we have to cancel Masses that are already reserved for a parishioner’s intention. 5. We have good news! Several parishioners have volunteered to help with ministries. If you would also like to be a helper, please see the flyer in the back of the church. It has explanations of the ministries and also a form to fill out, which you can bring to the office. 6. Fr. Jarek will be gone the following week and there will be no daily Masses or Adorations. There will also be no Saturday Mass at 9:30 AM or reconciliation at 4 PM, due to the Confirmation Retreat. 7. The parish office will be closed this Monday, February 17. The secretary will see you again on Tuesday at 8 AM.
February 10, 2025
1. Due to Fr. Jarek’s doctor’s appointment in Albuquerque, there will be no Wednesday 12:10 PM Mass. 2. “The people who sit in darkness have seen a great light…” MT 4:16 Next weekend the annual Bishop’s United in Ministry Appeal (UIM) begins, serving thousands of individuals and families in the Diocese of Las Cruces. Through your generosity, you are a great light in the lives of many, helping them to find hope in Christ! Please prayerfully consider what you might be able to give to this appeal as we approach commitment weekend. 3. We will be having a UIM dinner on February 28, at 6 PM in the parish hall. Come enjoy a catered dinner, during which Fr. Jarek will explain more about UIM. Also, Fr. Jarek will share the parish financial report from 2024 and plans for 2025. Please RSVP by Monday, February 24. 4. Now, our UIM director, Mary Ann Tuten, will give an announcement on UIM. 5. As we previously announced, we are hosting a blood drive on February 11 in the parish hall. Paul White from Vitalant will now give us more information regarding this event. 6. Now a representative from the Bethlehem Holy Land Group will give more information regarding items from the Holy Land that will be for sale in the back of the church after Mass.
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