1. The United in Ministry campaign officially ends on December 31. However, there is a grace period of ten days until January 10. Gifts received after that date will count towards 2025. All checks must be dated no later than December 31. Credit card gifts given directly to the diocese have a hard deadline of December 31. Thank you for your generosity.
2. There will be a New Year’s Eve Vigil Mass on December 31 at 6 PM.
3. On January 1, we will be celebrating the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God. There will be two Masses, at 9 and 11 AM. It is a Holy Day of Obligation.
4. The Parish Office will be closed Wednesday, January 1, for the New Year’s holiday
5. Next Sunday, we celebrate the Epiphany, also known as “Three Kings Day”. Each year, we have blessed chalk available at the Masses, used for marking the doorposts of our homes with an inscription of the new year separated by C+M+B.
6. [Message from Fr. Mike:]
Dear friends of Assumption, my time in your parish has come to an end. I am thankful to Bishop Peter for sending me to this parish and I am forever grateful for your acceptance of me from the moment of my arrival. It has been a wonderful spiritual experience. Together we have grown in our love for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! We are all pilgrims here on Earth, making our way back to God the Father. Thank you for allowing me to walk with you on your journey. Roswell is a holy city because of your prayers and discipleship in Jesus. In all my years of teaching, I would throughout the year, tell my students as they mature and journey through life to always stay near to Jesus in the Eucharist and to the Sacrament of Reconciliation. We are always loved by our heavenly Father, always! I leave you with the same message. Continue to support Fr. Jarek. He is eager to resume a full schedule. Finally, thank you for making every Mass at Assumption, “The Finest Hour of the Day!”
Under the patronage of Our Lady, and centered around the Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, we will work together to spread Gospel values and the truth of the Catholic faith by living as examples of virtue, and in service to our church and community.