Announcements for the Week of 4/21/2024

April 22, 2024

1. The ushers will take up the San Juan Diego Seminary Fund second collection. Thank you for all your donations.
2. The Catholic Daughters of the Americas invite you to pray the Rosary every Thursday at 7:00 PM during the month of May, followed by Adoration. We will meet at the Grotto before processing to the church. For more information, please check the poster.
3. Last Sunday we celebrated Confirmation. May all Confirmed with their families always walk in faithfulness before the Lord. Thank you all who helped to prepare and celebrate this special Sacrament. Great Job!!! Thank you!!!
4. God hears our prayers for the renewal of our Church. He will answer them through a life-changing transformation of our own hearts. The 10th National Eucharistic Congress is an invitation to experience profound personal revival so we can be sent out to share Christ’s love with a world that so desperately needs it. For more information, please check the poster.
5. On Sundays, April 28 and May 5, we will celebrate First Holy Communion. Please pray for the children from the parish Faith Formation and ASCS, and also for their Families.
6. Dear Parishioners, it is with profound sadness that we would like to inform you that our former Parish Office Manager Karen Lupien passed away last Wednesday. After Sunday, via Flocknote, we will share a funeral date. Please pray for the family. May she rest in peace!
7. The next announcement will be made by a Sanctity of Life Ministry member.

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