Announcements for the Week of 5/5/2024

Jill Domschot • May 6, 2024

1. The ushers will take up the second collection “The Catholic Home Missions Appeal”. Thank you for your donations.
2. The Catholic Daughters of the Americas invite you to pray the Rosary every Thursday at 7:00 PM during the month of May, followed by Adoration. We will meet at the Grotto before processing to the church. For more information please check the poster.
3. Tomorrow/Today at 2 PM All Saints Catholic School Students will receive our Lord Jesus in Holy Communion for the first time in their life. May God bless them and their families, friends, and all who helped them to be prepared for this special time.
4. From May 19 to June 28 Fr. Jarek will be on vacation. If you need to visit with him before his leaving please call the parish office to schedule an appointment.
5. As we do every year, we plan to organize VBS in June. Next weekend, the VBS coordinator Stephanie Wenner will provide details, and registration will be open.
6. The graduate blessing will be on May 19, at the 11:00 AM Mass. If you would like to receive a blessing, RSVP to the parish office no later than Monday, May 13, so that you can be invited to stand for the blessing.

7. The Sanctity of Life Ministry will have their annual Baby Bottle fundraiser for the Chaves County Pregnancy Center. Bottles will be distributed next weekend to those interested in participating in this year’s campaign. If you have a bottle from another year, please use it to participate this year. Thank you!
8. Next Sunday we will celebrate the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord Jesus and during each Mass, we will have a blessing for mothers.

9. The last announcement will be made by an ASCS student.

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