Announcements for the Week of 7/21/2024

July 22, 2024

1. Registration for Youth Faith Formation is open. Forms are available on the Assumption website, in the church foyer, and in the church office. You can register in person this Wednesday evening, July 24, from 4 – 7 pm and next weekend after each Mass. You can also register at the church office during office hours.

Youth Faith Formation is for children Kindergarten through Confirmation. We also have classes for children who need Baptism and First Communion.


We need aides for a few Youth Faith Formation classes, and substitute teachers and aides are needed for all grade levels. Please volunteer with Carol Dutchover during registration.

2. On Tuesday, July 23
rd we are celebrating Bishop's Peter 5th Anniversary of his installation as Bishop of the Diocese of Las Cruces. Please pray for our Bishop Peter Baldacchino and our Diocese.
3. The Altar and Rosary Society Garage Sale will be on Saturday, August 3 from 7 am - 11 am in the Parish Hall. Please save the date to come shop and help support our church. We will be accepting new and gently used items during the week of July 29 – August 2 at the Parish Hall on:

  • Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9 am – 2 pm, and
  • Tuesday and Thursday from 10 am – 6 pm

Please, do not bring clothing.

4. Chaves County CASA is organizing a virtual meeting regarding Foster Care:

We are looking for people that are willing to offer children in foster care a safe and loving home, be role models for parents, and support families as they navigate the child welfare system. For more information please check the poster located on the bulletin boards.
5. One family of 5 children needs a twin mattress for a 9-year-old. If you have one or know someone who has one that is clean and has no stains and would like to donate, please contact the Parish Office. The bed frame is optional. Thank you!!!

On Thursday we are celebrating the memorial of St. Christopher who – according to belief – protects drivers and their cars. Aren’t we all lucky drivers to have such a guardian angel? But to obtain his protection we must of course first get our car blessed.

The Blessing of Cars and any kind of Vehicle will take place next Sunday, July 28th at 2 pm. 

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