Parish Announcements for July 31

Jill Domschot • August 2, 2022

1. The Altar and Rosary garage sale is already happening on Saturday, August 6th from 7 AM to 11 AM. If you have items to donate, we will be accepting “stuff” from Monday, August 1st through Friday, August 5th  from 10 AM to 2 PM. Because there will be a funeral reception on Tuesday at 11 AM, please use the door on the office (north) side of the hall. 

2. Good news! This coming week we are starting with a new Parish Website. It will be a nicer and friendlier site with more information, more forms, and a Parish Events Calendar. It will also be customized to all electronic devices. 

Of course, please be patient, because the first version can miss some information or have some errors. Big “thanks” to our former secretary Ada and to our current secretary Jill for a wonderful job. I know that not all parishioners are using computers or smartphones, so we will provide a printed copy of the Events Calendar. Every last weekend of the month,  beginning this weekend, the Events Calendar will be available as an insert in the bulletin. Because it will be printed just once a month, the calendar might have some changes, and the printed version will probably miss these, but the website calendar will be updated every week if needed. 

3. Youth Faith Formation begins with a Parent Meeting on August 17, and classes begin on August 24. Please register soon because there will be a $25 late fee starting on August 11. You can pick up a registration pack in the foyer or download it from the Assumption website, and then bring the completed registration form and money to the Church office. Youth Faith Formation is for students from kindergarten through 18 years of age. More information is in this week’s bulletin.

4. In conjunction with the three-year National Eucharistic Revival, our Diocese is hosting a diocesan-wide tour of the first-class relics of Blessed Carlo Acutis and St. Manuel Gonzales Garcia. In our Parish, relics will be displayed from Sunday, August 28th to Monday the 29th, and we will have special Adoration and Holy Eucharist. In the upcoming weekends we will share more information. 

5. I would like to share with you something very important. As you know, Bishop Peter last year gave me permission to be the part-time NMMI Chaplain. Unfortunately, often there was a conflict between my parish calendar and my NMMI calendar. So, thinking about what is best for the Parish and NMMI Cadets after consulting with Bishop Peter, I had to resign from being the NMMI Chaplain. Our parish, as in the past, will still offer spiritual care. Starting next Sunday at 5 PM there will be Sunday Mass in the NMMI chapel.

6. Holy Cross Retreat Center is offering a 5-part series on coping with divorce and a retreat on The Healing Power of Forgiveness. More information is in the poster on the parish bulletin boards. 

7. The Monastery of Christ in the Desert asked me to announce their fundraising. So let me read: 30 tickets are available in the Parish Office. 

8. Also: St. John’s will be selling raffle tickets for a 2022 Toyota Camry after Mass on August 6 & 7. The cost is $20 per ticket or $100 for a book of 6. Buy 5 and get 1 free. The raffle will be held on the 24th of September 2022 during the fiesta of their Patron Saint, John the Baptist.

9. Please remember about our Parish Feast, which we will celebrate on Saturday, August 13. At 9:30 AM there will be a special Mass, and afterward, at the hall, there will be kids' activities, face painting, ice cream, delicious warm popcorn, a swimming pool with no water but balls, a new parish train, and a delicious lunch. If you plan to attend please call the office to give the number of people in your group. It will help us to prepare tables and enough food. The music will be provided by our parish DJ. The poster regarding the Parish Feast is available on the bulletin board. 

10. In the announcement given by a special committee member, we also learned we will be celebrating the 20th year of Fr. Jarek’s ordination at the Parish Feast. There is a card to sign for him after Masses this week and next.

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