Parish Announcements for the Week of 12/04/22

December 5, 2022
  1. Raul’s family has not yet decided when the funeral will be. As soon as we receive information, we will announce it.
  2. Our parish is looking for a church and office cleaner. This is a part-time/20 hours per week position, with a $13 per hour pay rate. Applications are available in the office; we will accept them until Friday, December 16.
  3. Next weekend, we will sell raffle tickets for World Youth Day.
  4. There will be a second Eucharistic Revival session: The Story of the Eucharist on Friday, December 9, at 6:30 PM. We will meet in the library.
  5. Next weekend, we will have a second collection for the Retirement Fund. The Retirement Fund for Religious distributes financial assistance to religious institutes based on a formula and criteria approved by the conference of major superiors and bishops. These religious women and men have dedicated their entire lives to serving the community through prayer, teaching, and social activities. You can find more information in the bulletin insert.
  6. On Thursday, December 8, we are celebrating the Immaculate Conception. It is a Holy Day of obligation. We will have three Masses: 8:30 AM with ASCS, 12:10 PM and 6 PM. Thursday Adoration will be at the same time, 7 PM.
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