Parish Announcements for the Week of 5/26/2024

May 24, 2024

1. We will now take up the second collection for the Catholic Communication Campaign.

2. The Catholic Daughters of the Americas will be hosting the Crowning of Mary at the Grotto behind the church on Thursday, May 30, at 7:00 PM, followed by Adoration.

3. Next Sunday is Corpus Christi, and we will be holding the procession after the 11 AM Mass. Please join us for this beautiful and sacred tradition.

3. Confirmation I and II students can join the fun at VBS and earn Confirmation service hours as student helpers. Adult leaders are also needed. A meeting for volunteers will be held on June 5 in the Conference Room at 6:30 pm.

4. VBS is June 17 to 21. Registration forms are available in the parish office and for printing from the website and should be returned to the office no later than June 7. Please see the bulletin for more information.

5. The Altar & Rosary Society will be holding a tea to invite new members on Sunday, June 9, from 2 to 4 PM. Please RSVP by June 5; see the poster for more information.

6. The parish office will be closed this Monday the 27th in honor of Memorial Day.

7. Jacob from the Holy Land will now give a brief announcement.

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