Announcements for the First Week of the New Year

January 3, 2023
  1. The parish office will be closed on Monday and reopen on Tuesday.
  2. Because all 2023 calendars weres distributed last weekend, we have ordered more. They will be available soon.
  3. From Jan.2nd – Feb.13th, Fr. Ephraim will be on vacation.
  4. The Altar and Rosary Society members would like to thank you for your special support of the fundraiser and Christmas Bazaar. The Raffles and Christmas Bazaar were a huge success and would not have been possible without your help. The funds will be used to continue to purchase weekly flowers for Our Blessed Virgin Mary, any altar needs, scholarships to our Catholic School, and other needed work within our Parish. God bless each of you.
  5. All couples married in the Catholic Church celebrating their Paper (1st), Silver (25th), Gold (50th), or 50-plus wedding anniversary in 2023 are invited to attend a Mass at St. Peter Parish in Roswell, on Saturday, February 11, 2023, or at the Cathedral of Immaculate Heart of Mary in Las Cruces on Saturday, February 25, 2023, and receive a blessing from Bishop Peter Baldacchino. Couples wishing to celebrate these milestone anniversaries must register with their Pastor no later than January 10, 2023, and provide him with a Certificate of Marriage from the Catholic parish where the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony was celebrated, or a recent Baptism Certificate (within the last 6 months) with notations on the back of the Certificate indicating the marriage is recognized by the Church. For questions, contact Fr. Jarek.
  6. On Thursday, Jan.5th, and Friday, Jan.6th, there will be no Adorations.
  7. World Youth Day Raffle Tickets are available in the parish office.
  8. Next Sunday, we celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord. As every year, we will distribute blessed chalk to mark our doors. For more information, please check the parish bulletin.
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