Announcements for the Week of 10/13/2024

October 14, 2024

1. On the bulletin boards we have updated information about Msgr. Moreno and Fr. Ibarra. 

2. After Mass the Altar & Rosary Society will be selling raffle tickets, $5 each, for a money wreath, a handmade quilt, and a gift-card basket. The raffle will be held at their annual Christmas Bazaar.
3. It is that time of year to bring the names of deceased loved ones to the parish. All Souls envelopes are available in the pews for you to print their names on; these envelopes can be dropped in the offering basket or brought to the church office. We will pray for them throughout November Masses and Adorations. Please include which Mass, 5:30 PM, 9 AM, or 11 AM, you prefer that names will be read. Also, all names will be read during weekday Adorations.
4. My surgery is scheduled for October 31st. Fr. Mike Buentello, who is visiting us this weekend, will replace me for the surgery and recovery time. More details soon. Thank you again for your support and prayers.
5. Next Sunday we are celebrating the World Mission Sunday. There will be a second collection. World Mission Sunday is when all churches worldwide celebrate the feast of catholicity and universal solidarity, so Christians the world over will recognize their common responsibility for the evangelization of the world. Thank you for all your donations.

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