1. Unfortunately I don't yet have updated information regarding Msgr. Moreno or Fr. Ibarra. Hopefully, the Diocese will send the information soon.
2. Thanks to everyone who helped organize the Altar Servers Day of Reflection. As always, you did a fantastic job. I am blessed to have amazing helpers. Thank you so much.
3. Tomorrow/today, October 6th at 1 PM under the pavilion, I would like to bless all animals. Please bring them for the blessing.
4. The Altar & Rosary Society will be selling raffle tickets, $5 each, for a money wreath, a handmade quilt, and a gift-card basket after Masses this weekend and next. The raffle will be held at their annual Christmas Bazaar.
5. It is that time of year to bring the names of deceased loved ones to the parish. All Souls envelopes are available in the pews for you to print their names on; these envelopes can be dropped in the offering basket or brought to the church office. We will pray for them throughout November Masses and Adorations. Please include which Mass 5:30 PM, 9 AM, or 11 AM, you prefer that the names will be read. Also, all names will be read during weekday Adorations.
6. As I announced last Sunday on Tuesday, October 8th, I will have a doctor consultation at MD Anderson Hospital in Houston. There will be no Masses or Adoration this week. If you would like to participate in the daily Mass, please check the bulletin board for Mass times from our local churches:
Poor Clare's – 7:15 AM
St. Peter – 8:15 AM
St. John – 6:30 PM.
Under the patronage of Our Lady, and centered around the Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, we will work together to spread Gospel values and the truth of the Catholic faith by living as examples of virtue, and in service to our church and community.