1. The ushers will take the Black and Indian Mission Second Collection. Thank you for all your donations!
2. A few parishioners asked me about the priests for whom we pray every Sunday. I requested the Diocese to prepare an update about both priests’ health situation. Next week I will post the information.
3. Next Saturday, October 5, our Parish is organizing Altar Servers Day of Reflection for Roswell Vicariate and Carlsbad/Hobbs. On the bulletin boards, we have the program. We will have very special speakers. Our Sister Rose and Sister Martha will have the conference for girls and Fr. Ruben Romero, our Diocese Vocation Director, will have the conference for boys; he will also preside over the 9:30 AM Mass. We would like to invite all parishioners for this Mass which will be celebrated in the main church. Anointing of the sick will take place during Friday Mass instead of Saturday Mass.
4. Next Sunday, October 6, at 1 PM under the pavilion, I would like to bless all animals. Please bring them on Sunday for the blessing.
5. The Altar & Rosary Society will be selling raffle tickets, $5 each, for a money wreath, a handmade quilt, and a gift-card basket after Masses the weekends of October 5/6 and 12/13. The raffle will be held at their annual Christmas Bazaar.
6. Fr. Jarek’s health update.
Under the patronage of Our Lady, and centered around the Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, we will work together to spread Gospel values and the truth of the Catholic faith by living as examples of virtue, and in service to our church and community.