Announcements for the Week of 9/22/2024

September 23, 2024
  1. One more time I would like to thank everyone who helped prepare the Parish Fiesta, especially the office staff members, Food for Funerals members, Knights of Columbus, NMMI cadets, the youth group with leaders, and individual parishioners. Thank you!!!
  2. Due to very few people interested in OCIA, we combined our class with St. John Parish. Classes are taking place at St. John.
  3. Due to the secretary being on vacation this week, September 23 through September 27, the parish office will be open from 9 AM to 4 PM.
  4. On Tuesday, September 24, I will participate at the Presbyteral Council in Las Cruces. There will be no Tuesday Rosary or Mass.
  5. Next weekend, we will have the Black and Indian Mission Second Collection, which collects funds that are distributed as grants to dioceses, supporting and strengthening evangelization of the black and Indian peoples of the United States.
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