1. Each November, the Church celebrates two feast days, which are related to each other, All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day. On Friday, Nov. 1st, we will have two Masses, at 12:10 PM and 6 PM. Please remember that it is a Holy Day of Obligation. On Nov. 2nd the Mass will be at 9:30 AM. November 1st at 3 PM we will have a special prayer for our deceased at the Columbarium. Please Join Us!
2. This is the last week to bring your All Souls’ names to the office. Please print the names and bring them to the church office. We will pray for them throughout November Masses and Adorations. Please include which Mass, 5:30 PM, 9 AM or 11 AM, you prefer that the names will be read. Also, all names will be read during weekday Adorations.
3. Please join All Saints Catholic School students near The Good Shepherd statue after the 12:10 Mass on Friday, November 1st, and after the 11:00 Mass on Sunday, November 3rd. Middle School students will bring saints to life and share intriguing insights into the life of their chosen saint.
4. The Altar and Rosary Society will not meet this Saturday due to a funeral of one of our members. Instead, our meeting will be Saturday, November 9. We will begin at 9 am in the daily Mass Chapel to pray the rosary and participate in the Mass. After Mass, we will meet in the Conference Room for brunch and our monthly meeting. If you are not already an Altar and Rosary Society member, please feel free to join us.
5. My surgery is rescheduled from October 31st to November 7th. Thank you for all your financial and spiritual support. Fr. Mike Buentello, who is the Basilian Priest, will replace me during the surgery and recovery time. Thank you Fr. Mike for your help and also for introducing yourself during the homily. If you would like to read more about Fr. Mike please check the Bulletin Boards or Parish FB.
6. Chaves County Federated Republican Women will partner with our Parish to "Honor Our Veterans". On Wednesday, November 20, 2024, at 11:30 AM in our Church Hall, we will have a special luncheon. If you are a veteran & can attend our luncheon you will be our guest for a free brisket lunch, drink & dessert. You will receive a certificate & be presented with a special gift. Veterans, please provide the Parish Secretary your name, branch of service, and a phone number. For more details please check the Poster.
7. We are still waiting for the calendars for 2025. Hopefully, they will arrive soon.
8. Please check the Bulletin Boards for Catholic Daughters of the Americas' information about "White Ribbons Against Pornography" and NM KofC's "Disaster Relief & Rebuild Fund".
9. We have experienced a very challenging time in Roswell this week and will continue to heal from this for months to come. If you or any of your family have been affected, please let us know and call the Parish Office.
Our Parish is a distribution center for cleaning supplies, especially bleach, rakes, shovels, garbage bags and water. It is open from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday through Friday.
From Monday to Friday, we also distributed food: sandwiches, roasted chicken, pizza, and water. Thank you to all helpers, especially Parish Staff Members, Food For Funerals, Knights of Columbus, Craft Group, Youth Group, and many individuals. Thank you also to everyone for making monetary donations for our brothers and sisters in very special need during this time.
May God bless you so much!!
10. Youth Faith Formation will participate in a special Mass on Wednesday, October 30, at 6 pm instead of our regular YFF classes. We would like to invite all Parishioners to participate. During the Mass, we will pray for victims of the recent flood.
11. Next weekend, November 2nd and 3rd, we will have the Urgent Second Special Collection for flood victims. Thank you for all your donations.
Under the patronage of Our Lady, and centered around the Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, we will work together to spread Gospel values and the truth of the Catholic faith by living as examples of virtue, and in service to our church and community.