Announcements for the Week of 11/3/2024

November 4, 2024
  1. The ushers will take the the urgent second collection for flood victims. Thank you for all your donations.
  2. Please join All Saints Catholic School near the Good Shepherd statue after the 11:00 AM Mass on Sunday, November 3. The middle school students will bring saints to life and share intriguing insights into the life of their chosen saint.
  3. The Altar & Rosary Society will meet on Saturday, November 9. They will begin at 9 AM in the Daily Mass Chapel to pray the rosary and participate in the Mass. After Mass, they will meet in the conference room for brunch and their monthly meeting. If you are not already an Altar & Rosary Society member, please feel free to join them.
  4. The A&R Society needs volunteers to make soups and baked goods for the Altar & Rosary Christmas Bazaar. People can start bringing their soups in crockpots at 8 AM on Saturday, November 16. They will start taking BAKED goods on Friday from 9 to 5. They are also still selling raffle tickets, which are available in the parish office.
  5. On Monday, November 4, I [Fr. Jarek] am leaving for Houston. The surgery will be on Thursday, November 7. Thank you for all your financial and spiritual support. The bishop has appointed Fr. Mike Buentello as the parish administrator during my surgery and recovery time. If you would like to schedule a meeting with Fr. Mike, please call the parish office.
  6. Chaves County Federated Republican Women will partner with our parish to honor our veterans. On Wednesday, November 20, 2024, at 11:30 AM in the church hall, we will have a special luncheon. If you are a veteran and can attend our luncheon, you will be our guest for a free brisket lunch, drink, and dessert. You will receive a certificate and be presented with a special gift. Veterans, please provide the parish secretary with your name, branch of service, and phone number. For more details, please check the poster.
  7. There will be no ASCS Mass this Thursday, November 7.
  8. On Saturday, November 9, there will be the Border Mass. For more information, please check the bulletin boards.
  9. The annual Mt. Cristo Rey Pilgrimage is scheduled for Saturday, November 23. For more information, please check the poster.
  10. please check the bulletin boards for Catholic Daughters of the Americas’ information about “White Ribbons Against Pornography”.
  11. Our parish is a distribution center for cleaning supplies for the flood victims. Thank you to all helpers, especially parish staff members, Food For Funerals, Knights of Columbus, Craft Group, Youth Group, and many individuals. Thank you also to everyone for making monetary donations for our brothers and sisters who are in very special need during this time.

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