Announcements for the Week of 3/17/2024

March 18, 2024

1. Due to Spring Break there will be no NMMI Mass on this Sunday, March 17, and Palm Sunday, March 24, but Easter Sunday Mass will be celebrated as regular at 5 PM.

2. Please check the Bulletin for the Holy Week Schedule. On Palm Sunday at 6 PM, we will have the Lenten Reconciliation Service. A few priests will come to hear confessions.

3. On Tuesday, March 19, at 5:30 PM, Bishop Peter Baldacchino will preside over the annual Chrism Mass alongside all of the priests of the Diocese at the Cathedral. The priests will renew their priestly promises. Bishop Baldacchino will bless the Holy Oils that are used in sacramental celebrations in all the parishes of the Diocese throughout the year. The local Church will be gathered together as one, and we invite you to join the Bishop and all the priests for this important celebration.

4. From Monday to Wednesday, all priests serving in the Diocese of Las Cruces with Bishop Peter will participate in the annual Priests Assembly at the Holy Cross Center.

5. On Tuesday, March 19, we celebrate the feast of St. Joseph, husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The 12:10 Mass will be celebrated by Fr. Larry.

6. On Monday & Wednesday we are inviting everyone to pray the Flame of Love Rosary in Mary’s room at 12:10 PM. Please join us!!!

7. After each Mass on Palm Sunday the Assumption Youth Group will be in the back of the church raising donations with crosses that they have made from palms. The donations will be used for snacks, supplies, and future trips. Thank you.

8. The Knights of Columbus will be holding their annual Easter Egg Hunt on Easter Sunday from 1 to 3 PM. Bring your kids, up to ten years of age. Drinks and cupcakes will be provided in the parish hall.

9. On Tuesday and Wednesday during the Holy Week, we plan to visit our sick parishioners who cannot come to the Church. If you know a sick person who needs a home visit, please call the parish office this week.

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