Announcements for the Week of 3/3/2024

March 4, 2024

1. In preparation for the upcoming Synod, Parish Representatives Assemblies with Bishop Peter Baldacchino are requesting all Parishioners to fill out the form available in the back of the Church. There are two questions:

Question No.1: Where do you see the Church flourishing or being hindered by structures or practices?

Question No.2: How can the structures and organization of the Church help all the baptized to respond to the call to proclaim the Gospel message and for the Church to be a “sacrament of salvation” for the world – a sign of love and unity in Christ that brings the hope of the resurrection to a broken world?

Please respond to the questions after Mass and put the form in the prepared boxes. Thank you for your help.

2. Catholic Daughters of the America’s Court Our Lady of Fatima 1293 in Roswell will be hosting a Woman’s Day of Reflection on March 16th, 2024, at the parish hall from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Fr. Francis Gyau will be leading the reflection, and there will be time for prayer, reflection, and fellowship. All women and girls are invited. Food will be provided, so we ask that you RSVP to Rosie Duran by March 13th so the group can secure your space and meal. A poster with the information is available in the parish bulletin and on the bulletin boards.

3. ASCS needs to upgrade the Science Lab to make it comparable with the public schools. We need a carpenter and plumber for a few projects. Also, the lab will need new items including safety equipment, furniture, storage units, and lab equipment and supplies. We are asking for monetary donations to fund this project so that we can purchase the items. We are hoping to raise $50,000 to cover all the expenses. Please contact Peggy Bohlin at All Saints for additional information. Thank you!

4. Beginning March 10, the Assumption Youth Group, for ages 10 to 17, will meet each Sunday from 6:30 to 8:30 PM in the parish hall for Bible lessons, games, and activities. Come join us! Please check the parish bulletin for more information.

5. Next weekend we will have the Catholic Relief Services Second Collection. This collection will enable the Holy Father to respond with emergency financial assistance to requests to aid the neediest throughout the world — those who suffer as a result of war, oppression, and natural disasters. By supporting the Catholic Relief Services Collection, you are helping fulfill the Church’s call to be a peacemaker in regions affected by armed conflict, poverty, and shortages of necessary resources. Thank you for your support!

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