Parish Announcements for the Week of 2/25/2024

February 26, 2024

1. Every Friday during Lent we have two Stations of the Cross, after 12:10 PM Mass and at 6 PM. During Lent, we are not offering homilies on Fridays. We hope that it will be helpful for the faithful who are attending Mass during lunchtime and would like to participate in the Stations of the Cross.

2. Also on Lenten Fridays, we have Lenten Sessions “The Seven Pillars of Catholic Spirituality” at 7 PM in the parish library. For more information, please check the poster. Please let the parish office know if you plan to attend so that we can provide materials for everyone.

3. Do not forget, [tomorrow/today] at 6:30 pm in the parish hall, we will have a meeting and pizza dinner with ice cream for all parents and youth interested in the parish youth group. Absolutely join us!

4. In preparation for the upcoming Synod Parish Representatives Assemblies with Bishop Peter Baldacchino, we are requesting that all parishioners fill out the attached handout in the parish bulletin, “Guiding Questions.” The handouts are also available on both tables in the back of the Church.

There are two questions:

Question No. 1: Where do you see the Church flourishing or being hindered by structures or practices?

Question No. 2: How can the structures and organization of the Church help all the baptized to respond to the call to proclaim the Gospel message and for the Church to be a “sacrament of salvation” for the world – a sign of love and unity in Christ that brings the hope of the resurrection to a broken world?

Please respond to the questions after Mass and leave the completed form on the table or complete it at home and bring it to the parish office during the week, or to the church the following weekend. Thank you for your help.

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