Announcements for the Week of 8/18/2024

August 19, 2024

1. Please register your child for Faith Formation. The registration fee is $50 per child through August 21 but will increase $10 per student beginning August 22.

Parent meetings are on August 21 at 6 pm for parents of students in kindergarten through grade 6 and at 6:45 pm for parents of Confirmation students. Youth Faith Formation classes begin August 28. For more information please check the poster. 

2. There will be no Confession and Mass this coming Tuesday, August 20th. 


3. The Bethlehem Holy Land Group will be selling hand-made items from the Holy Land after Masses next weekend, the 24th and 25th of August. 


4. We will start in September the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (FORMERLY RCIA). OCIA is the process for adults who desire to join the Catholic faith and for those seeking more information on the Catholic Church. OCIA can also be a method for Catholics to complete their reception of the initiation sacraments. If you are interested please call the Parish Office. 

5. Also in September we will start the Thursday Adult Faith Education Class. To be registered please call the Parish Office.

6. Thank you A&R Society for donating 68 Altar Servers albs, crosses, and sinctures; also, thank you for ironing the albs!!!

7. Due to the HOT WEATHER we needed to reschedule our Parish Fiesta. The Parish Fiesta will be on Sunday, September 8, 2024, instead of this Sunday.                                                                                                                                                                                                         

However, for this Sunday, we would like to invite everyone to the Parish Hall after the 11 AM Mass for lemonade and donuts (and we will try the new slides with the pool). Our Parish Youth Group is especially inviting children for popcorn & snow cones!!! 


8. Thank you Jose Berrones who came from Las Cruces (originally from our Parish) to play the violin. Thank you, Mark, who cooperated with Jose. 

9. Special Collection next weekend: To help support the ongoing recovery efforts after the fires and flooding of the Mescalero/Ruidoso region, the Catholic Diocese of Las Cruces is asking you to participate in the Mescalero/Ruidoso Disaster Relief Fund. Proceeds will assist with the continuing recovery efforts for the residents of the area. Thank you for all donations!!!

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