Parish Announcements for August 28

Jill Domschot • August 29, 2022

1. Thank you again to all the parish groups and individual families who helped prepare our Feast and Fr. Jarek’s Priesthood Anniversary. The food, games, the hall, music--everything was very special. Thank you!

2. Youth Faith Formation classes began last Wednesday, August 24. Thank you to all parents for bringing your children! This week we will have Family Faith Night for all students and parents at 6 pm in the parish hall. Students and parents will start in the parish hall, and then students will go to class with their teachers while parents stay for information about what their children are learning and resources to help catechize at home. We hope for a great community time for parents.

You can still register by downloading the Youth Faith Formation registration from the Assumption website or going to the church office, but there is a $35 late fee. The last day to register is September 7.

3. We will be offering again the parish Baptism Class for parents and godparents. The class will be offered every three months on the third Tuesday. The first class will take place on September 20 from 6 - 9 PM. For more information, please contact the parish office.

4. And again we are starting regular Altar Server meetings, which will be every second Saturday from 11 AM - 12:30 PM. The first meeting will take place on Saturday, September 10th. This year we would also like to invite all students who are doing preparation for First Communion (those who will receive Communion in May 2023). These students are called candidates, and even though they cannot receive Communion yet, they will still be able to serve. For more information, please call the parish office or contact Fr. Jarek.

5. In addition to the baptism class, we will offer a Marriage Preparation Course twice a year. The first course will be in November. Soon, we will share the date. If you are interested, please contact the parish office. 

6. Please remember that in this week’s bulletin, we have the September Parish Events Calendar.

7. This Sunday our parish will host the first-class relics of Blessed Carlo Acutis and St. Manuel Gonzales Garcia. It is not very often that we can have first-class relics. We will start with Adoration at 3 PM, and around 3:30 PM, Fr. Jarek will bring the relics from Alamagordo. Then the relics will be displayed to the public. Also on Sunday, we will have a special Mass at 5 PM in the church, celebrated by Fr. Charlie, with the homily offered by Fr. Lalo. On Monday there will be another special Mass at 11 AM, after which parishioners from San Jose in Carlsbad will pick up the relics. We encourage you to participate because it is a truly unique event.

8. Next weekend we will have a second collection for the Catholic University, which is the national research university of the Catholic Church. Gifts to the National Collection, the only second collection taken for higher education in the U.S., support students during this crucial time and help the university conduct critical research that will serve parishes.

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