Parish Announcements for September 4

Jill Domschot • September 6, 2022

1. The ushers will take a second collection for Catholic University.
2. Thank you to all parish groups who helped organize the Relics Visitation. It was a  very special and touching time. Thank you!
3. We will be offering again in our parish the Baptism Class for parents and godparents. The class will be offered every three months on the third Tuesday. The first class will be on September 20th from 6 - 9 PM. For more information, please contact the parish office.


4. Again, we will have regular Altar Server Meetings, every second Saturday from 11 AM - 12:30 PM. The first meeting will be next Saturday, September 10th. This year we also would like to invite all students doing preparation for First Communion, who will receive Communion in May 2023. These students are called candidates and, even though they cannot receive Communion yet, they will still be able to serve. For more information, please call the parish office or contact Fr. Jarek.


5. In addition, we will offer twice a year a Marriage Preparation Course. The first course will be in November. If you are interested, please contact the parish office.
6. The pillars of piety being prayer, almsgiving, and fasting (sacrifice), the Sanctity of Life Ministry would like to invite all interested for a one-hour Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, especially dedicated to promoting and defending the sanctity of life from conception until death. The dedicated Adoration hour will be this Thursday, September 8th, at 7:00 PM in the church and subsequently every second Thursday at the same time and place. In prayer, together, we will make a difference! So, mark your calendar and join us.
7. The non-profit organization Lions Clubs International is sponsoring a country dance in Roswell on Saturday, Septmeber 17, as a fundraiser for providing an exam and eyeglasses for youths in school who cannot afford them. For more information, please check the poster at the back of the church.

8. The Western Sky Community Care is offering a stress-busting program for family caregivers of persons with chronic illnesses. For more information, please check the poster at the back of the church.
9. As Monday is Labor Day, the parish office will be closed.


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