Parish Announcements for the week of October 9

October 10, 2022
  1. We need more singers -- choir members. We invite parishioners of all ages to join one of our choirs. Every Mass has a designated choir that needs your help. If you are interested, please speak to one of our musicians or Fr. Jarek.
  2. Our diocese is organizing a pilgrimage to Lisbon for World Youth Day in 2023. There is more information on the posters on the bulletin boards.
  3. The parish announcements and parish bulletin are now available via QR code. Please check the bulletin boards after Mass for the code.
  4. After Masses this weekend the Bethlehem Nativity Group will sell religious articles in support of Christians in the Holy Land.
  5. ASCS will also be holding two raffles to raise funds for Teacher Appreciation Week. The items in the raffle will include an electric scooter, as well as a goody basket that contains chips and salsa and margarita glasses and salt (no alcohol). The tickets will cost $5. The drawing will be held on October 29th.
  6. Catholic Daughters of the Americas would like to invite all of us to join in a Public Square Rosary Rally on Saturday, October 15, 2022, at 11:00 AM in the parking lot (in front of the church).
  7. The same weekend (October 15/16), the Sanctity of Life Ministry will distribute yard signs before the election. All donations will go to Chaves County Citizens for Life.
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