Parish Announcements for the Week of 10/22/2023

October 23, 2023
  1. The ushers will take the World Mission second collection. Thank you for your donations.
  2. It is that time of year to bring the names of deceased loved ones to the parish. All Souls envelopes will be available in the pews for you to print their names on; these envelopes can be dropped in the offering basket or brought to the church office. We will pray for them throughout November, during Masses and Adorations.
  3. There will be no Adoration this coming Friday, October 27. Fr. Ephraim and Fr. Jarek will participate in priest training. We will have a Holy Rosary at 11:30 AM and Mass at 12:10 PM celebrated by Fr. Larry.
  4. Bishop Peter Baldacchino is inviting YOU to accompany him at the annual Bi-National Border Mass on Saturday, November 4, at 10:00 AM. The Mass will be concelebrated by Most Rev. Peter Baldacchino, the Bishop of Las Cruces, Most Rev. Mark Seitz, the Bishop of El Paso, and Most Rev. Jose Guadalupe Torres Campos, Bishop of Juarez, Mexico, and presided by Bishop Baldacchino. For more information, please check the flyer insert in the parish bulletin.
  5. The Prayer Chain for Life is happening on Sunday the 29th. Meet us at Pioneer Plaza on Main St. to pray for life with fellow citizens! The intention will be to save babies and their mothers from becoming victims of abortion. At two o’clock, the silent vigil begins as we stand, or sit, in silence for one hour (please feel free to bring a chair).
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