1. On Tuesday, Nov. 1, we celebrate All Saints’ Day – it is a holy day of obligation. We will have two Masses, at 12:10 with the ASCS community, and at 6 PM. It is the last chance to bring deceased family members’ names to the church office. We will pray for them before Sunday Masses and during the Adorations.
2. On November 11, we celebrate Veterans Day. On Sunday, November 13, during 11 AM Mass, we will pray for our Veterans. After Mass, ASCS students would like to invite veterans and families for a special reception. If you would like to participate in the reception, please call the parish office to give the number of people who will join us.
3. Next month, we will have a very special celebration. Vivi Kreitz’s mom, Delfina, will celebrate her 100th birthday. On Saturday, Nov. 19th at 2PM, we will have a special Mass and reception. Parishioners are invited. If you would like to participate in the reception, please call the parish office no later than Monday, November 14th.
4. Fr. Jarek and Fr. Ephraim will participate in the Priests Retreat, which will be in Tucson Arizona from Monday, Nov.7 – Friday, Nov. 11. More information will be provided next weekend.
Under the patronage of Our Lady, and centered around the Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, we will work together to spread Gospel values and the truth of the Catholic faith by living as examples of virtue, and in service to our church and community.