Parish Announcements For the Week of 11/7/22

November 7, 2022
  1. Next Sunday, November 13, during the 11 AM Mass, we will pray for our veterans. After Mass, ASCS students would like to invite veterans and families for a special reception. If you would like to participate in the reception, please call the parish office to give the number of people who would like to attend.
  2. Next month, we will have a very special celebration. Vivi Kreitz’s mom, Delfina, will celebrate her 100th birthday. On Saturday, November 19, at 2 PM, we will have a special Mass and reception. Parishioners are invited. If you would like to participate in the reception, please call the parish office no later than Monday, November 14.
  3. Fr. Jarek and Fr. Ephraim, together with all the diocese priests, will participate in the Priests Retreat in Tucson, Arizona, from Monday, November 7 to Friday, November 11. Fr. Andrew will celebrate the Tuesday Mass, and then there will be no Masses on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Also, there will be no Adorations on Thursday or Friday, but Sanctity of Life is inviting parishioners for a worship prayer on Thursday at 7 PM.
  4. There will be a Thanks for Giving Mass for United in Ministry with Bishop Peter Baldacchino for the Roswell Vicariate. The Mass will be held Friday, November 18, 6:00 PM, at St. Peter’s Church. The Mass is to include parishioners and priests from throughout the Roswell Vicariate. A reception will follow in St. Peter’s parish hall. Because the diocese celebrated the 40th anniversary since its inception on October 18, Bishop Baldacchino would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the anniversary of the diocese at the reception. There will be refreshments and a cake.
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