1. The Ushers will take a second collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious.
2. On Tuesday, December 12, we are celebrating the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas. Please join us for 12:10 PM Mass.
3. On Thursday, December 14, we are inviting parishioners for Adoration for Life at 7 PM.;
4. Next weekend, December 16 & 17, we will have the Parish Advent Retreat: Family As Domestic Church. The retreat will be led by Deacon Lonnie Briseño. During Masses, Deacon Lonnie will preach the homily, and on Sunday, we will have three conferences in the parish hall. We will start at 2 PM:
-God created us as male and female;
-Responsible Fatherhood;
-Responsible Motherhood
For more information, please check the poster.
5. On Monday, December 18 at 6 PM, we will have the Advent Reconciliation Service.
Under the patronage of Our Lady, and centered around the Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, we will work together to spread Gospel values and the truth of the Catholic faith by living as examples of virtue, and in service to our church and community.