Parish Announcements for the Week of 3/31/2024

April 2, 2024

1. The Knights of Columbus will be holding their annual Easter Egg Hunt on Easter Sunday from 1 to 3 PM. Bring your kids, up to ten years of age. Drinks and cupcakes will be provided in the parish hall.

2. Thank you to everyone who has been collecting money to give alms during Lent. Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl donations help feed the poor and hungry throughout the world and here in our Diocese of Las Cruces. Please return your family’s CRS Rice Bowl either in the collection basket or take it to the Parish Office during regular office hours. If you would like to write a check, please note the donation is for Rice Bowl. Thank you for all your donations!

3. The parish office will be closed on Easter Monday, but we will have Holy Rosary at 11:30 AM and the Mass at 12:10 PM.

4. Next Sunday we are celebrating Divine Mercy Sunday instituted by Saint Pope John Paul II. At 2 PM we will have Reconciliation Service and at 3 PM Adoration with the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Please join us.

This is the day the Lord has made: let us rejoice and be glad.

On Easter Vigil we recall(ed) God’s story – in our story of salvation. When we live the new life of the resurrection we become the best version of ourselves.

On behalf of myself and Father Ephraim, I wish you and your loved ones very blessed Easter.

Happy Easter!!!

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