Parish Announcements for the Week of 4/23/2023

April 24, 2023
  1. The ushers will take up the San Juan Diego Seminary Fund collection. Thank you for your donations.
  2. Congratulations to our 35 confirmandi! On Friday, 35 men and women of our parish, ASCS, and NMMI celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation and were sealed with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit in the presence of their sponsors, family, friends, teachers, and catechists. Thank you to the catechists, the choir, the altar servers, the people who decorated and prepared the church, the ushers, and the photographer for helping to prepare a wonderful celebration.
    Dear Confirmandi! As you continue your journey of faith, may you use the gifts given to you to love and serve your brothers and sisters in Christ. May God bless you always!
  3. Last November we lost our parish staff member Raul Lucero, who died unexpectedly. After these few months, we will celebrate his funeral on Friday, April 28. A Rosary will be held at St. John’s Catholic Church at 9:30 AM, with the funeral service immediately following at 10:00 AM. The burial of his ashes will take place at General Douglas L. McBride Veterans Cemetery. Because the parish staff will be attending the funeral, the parish office will be open on Friday from 1 PM to 5 PM. Also, on Friday there will be 11 AM Adoration and confession before Mass, but 12:10 Mass will be celebrated as usual. May he rest in peace!
  4. The last announcement will be made by Mary Ann Tuten about the Unity Prayer and Flame of Love Rosary.
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