1. On Sunday (tomorrow/today) we are celebrating “Divine Mercy Sunday”. From 2 – 3 PM we will have Confession and at 3 PM Adoration. Please join us.
2. Again, thank you for making Holy Week and Easter Sunday such wonderful celebrations for the glory of God. Thank you: altar servers, the ushers, the music ministry, the RCIA team, and all who decorated the church. Please continue to pray that the Holy Spirit continues to bless our parish, convert hearts and guide us all to the Mercy of God.
3. On Friday we will celebrate Confirmation in our Parish. Please pray for our candidates that they receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit with great joy and that they will always be guided by the teaching of the Risen Saviour.
4. Next weekend we will have The San Juan Diego Seminary Fund. This collection nurtures diocesan priestly vocations through support for the education and formation of our seminarians and aspiring seminarians, usually from a younger age – our future priests. Seminary studies and priestly formation require six to eight years before a seminarian is fully prepared for ordination to the priesthood. This fund ensures support for the human, spiritual, academic, and pastoral formation of our seminarians. Thank you for your donations.
5. Our former Pastor Fr. Joe Pacquing is celebrating his 40th Priestly Ordination Anniversary. May Jesus Christ the High Priest continue to bless his life for the time he gives, the work he does, and the care he offers. Mary, Mother of the Priests – Pray for Fr. Joe. Amen.
Under the patronage of Our Lady, and centered around the Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, we will work together to spread Gospel values and the truth of the Catholic faith by living as examples of virtue, and in service to our church and community.