1. The ushers will take up the second collection for the Catholic Communication Campaign.
2. The Catholic Daughters of the Americas invite us to pray the Rosary every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. during the month of May, followed by Adoration. This Thursday, the 25th, they will have the Crowning of Mary. For more information, please check the poster, which is located at the back of the church and in other parish information places.
3. The blessing of graduates will take place during the 11 a.m. Mass on May 28th. If you plan to attend, please let the parish office know so that we can reserve enough pews in the church. Also, we are asking our graduates to wear their caps and gowns.
4. Don’t forget to register your children, kindergarten through fifth grade, for VBS. Registration forms can be printed from the parish website, filled out online (see the flyer for the website address and a QR code), or picked up at the office. Registration is $5 per child.
5. If you are an adult and would like to volunteer for VBS, plan to attend the volunteer meeting on June 7 at 6 p.m. in the parish hall. Teenaged volunteers will meet on June 14, also at 6 p.m. in the parish hall.
6. Bonnie Brainerd will now give an announcement on the Referendum Project.
Under the patronage of Our Lady, and centered around the Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, we will work together to spread Gospel values and the truth of the Catholic faith by living as examples of virtue, and in service to our church and community.