Parish Announcements for the Week of 5/28/23

May 30, 2023

1. On Monday, May 29, there will be a Mass for the Memorial of Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church at 12:10 PM.


2. The first meeting for Men of the Cross will be this Saturday, June 3, at 6:45 PM. The purpose of the ministry is to assist men in strengthening their relationship with God and better understanding their role as men in the church, their families, and the community. See the bulletin for more information and dates.


3. Don’t forget to register your children, kindergarten through fifth grade, for VBS. Registration forms can be printed from the parish website, filled out online (see the flyer for the website address and a QR code), or picked up at the office. Registration is $5 per child.


4. If you are an adult and would like to volunteer for VBS, plan to attend the volunteer meeting on June 7 at 6 p.m. in the parish hall. Teenaged volunteers will meet on June 14, also at 6 p.m. in the parish hall.


5. Make sure to fill up your baby bottles for the Sanctity of Life ministry. Bring them back by Father’s Day to the office or to the church. See the flyer in the foyer of the church for more.


6. Sanctity of Life volunteers will be available in the pavilion or conference room after Masses this weekend and the next with the Referendum petitions.


7. The parish office will be closed Monday, May 29, for Memorial Day.


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