Parish Announcements for the Week of 6/11/23

June 12, 2023

1. Adoration this week will be at 11 AM and not at the usual 7 pm on Thursday the 15th. There will be no Adoration on Friday the 16th because Fr. Ephraim will be going to Las Cruces to meet with his home Bishop from Nigeria.

2. Please register for VBS no later than June 18th, as this will give us time to order T-shirts. Stop by the office and pick up a form or turn in an online application. Call the office if you have questions.

3. Don’t forget that the volunteer meeting for the teenage VBS volunteers is on the 14th at 6 PM in the parish hall.

4. The baptism class will be on Tuesday the 13th from 6-9 PM. If you plan to attend, please register with the office. We need to know how many packets to make.

5. Bishop Baldacchino, along with the bishops of Santa Fe and Gallup, will be consecrating the State of New Mexico to the hearts of Jesus and Mary on Saturday, June 17 at 5:30 pm at a Mass for the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Our bishops will be praying for the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death, conscious of the attacks on the sanctity of human life in our state, and invite you to join in this important prayer. We ask you to join our bishop in Las Cruces on the 17th if possible, and we ask every Catholic to join in this prayer across our State. 

6. The Corpus Christi Procession will be after the 11 AM Mass tomorrow/today. We will process from the church, through the parking lot, and down to the school. We are all invited to be part of the procession.

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