Parish Announcements for the Week of 6/18/2023

June 19, 2023

1. Today is the last day to register for VBS. If you haven’t done so, please register your children today. You can do so online. See the flyer for more information.

2. The Men of the Cross will meet again on June 24 at 6:45 PM in the parish hall. See the bulletin for the rest of the dates they will be meeting this summer.

3. If you plan to have your child baptized on the 24th, make sure your paperwork is turned in. Call the office if you have any questions.

4. The Building Better Marriages Group has been moved to Friday, June 23rd this month. We will meet at the usual time and place: 6:30 PM in the parish hall café.

5. Happy Father’s Day from the Sanctity of Life Ministry! Like St Joseph, all fathers are uniquely entrusted with the protection and defense of both the mother and child, and, in this way, they safeguard the sanctity of human life. Thank you, fathers, for your protection and sacrifice!

Volunteers will be available to take baby bottles this weekend. If you forgot today, you may also turn your bottles into the office. Thank you for supporting local babies and their families! 

6. We now invite the fathers to stand for a Father’s Day blessing.

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