Parish Announcements for the Week of 8/6/2023

August 7, 2023

1. One week separates us from the celebration of our Parish Feast. Next Sunday, August 13, we will have food, music, games and activities for children and families; children will be able to get inside the fire truck and ambulance and turn on the siren and find out how firefighters and paramedics work. We will have just one Mass on that Sunday, at 10 AM, with the feast activities following it. Parents, please bring dry clothes for your children because we will have attractions with water, which will be helpful during the sunny weather. We still need a few more Volunteers to monitor games and help younger parishioners. Confirmation service hours will be given to volunteers who help with games and cleanup. Volunteers should plan on attending a meeting on August 11 at 6m in the Parish Hall – if you are interested in helping, please call the parish office.

Dear Parishioners: Please RSVP with the office if you plan to attend no later than Wednesday, August 9th – we need this information to prepare enough food.

In the Church Foyer on the TVs, we have more information regarding the Feast.

2. From this coming Monday, August 7
th, every Monday at 12:10 PM in the former Adoration Chapel--which we will call now “Mary's Room”--we will pray the “Flame of Love Rosary”. Also, this new “Mary's Room” could be helpful for parishioners who would like to talk together before or after Mass. Please remember that for daily prayer, we have the Church where our Lord Jesus is in the Blessed Sacrament. Jesus said: Come to me and I will give you rest. Being in God’s presence is beneficial. Also, please remember that twice a week we have the Adoration: every Thursday from 7 – 8 PM and every Friday from 11 AM – noon.
3. On Thursday, August 10, we will have the first ASCS Mass at 8:30 AM. Also, from next Sunday, August 13, again we will have NMMI Masses at 5 PM. All are welcome.
4. Next weekend, we will have a second collection for Catholic Charities of Southern New Mexico. This collection enacts the corporal works of mercy: that the hungry might be fed, the naked clothed, the homeless sheltered, the sick and imprisoned visited, the stranger welcomed, all with the dignity proper to the children of God. Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Las Cruces is the visible expression of the Catholic Church’s solidarity with persons in need. Thank you for your donations.

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