Parish Announcements for the Week of 7/30/2023

July 31, 2023
  1. The Altar & Rosary garage sale is coming right up! Collect your stuff and bring it by the parish hall this week. For more information, please see the parish bulletin.
  2. Your Faith Formation begins soon with all parents meetings on August 18 in the parish hall. Grades 1-6 parents will meet at 6 PM and Confirmation parents will meet at 6:30 PM. Our first class will be on August 23. Substitute teachers and aides are needed for all grades. If you would like to help, call Carol Dutchover, Director of Religious Education, afternoons Monday - Friday.
  3. The Assumption Parish Feast is almost here! On Sunday, August 13, we will have food, music, games, and activities for children and families; children will be able to get inside the fire truck and ambulance and turn on the siren and find out how firefighters and paramedics work. Mark this on your calendar, as you don't want to miss this chance to fellowship and enjoy yourself with your fellow parishioners. We will have just one Mass on that Sunday, at 10 AM, with the feast activities following it. Parents: bring dry clothes for your children because we will have attractions with water, which will be helpful during sunny weather. Volunteers are needed to monitor games and help younger parishioners. We also need a few volunteers to run a face-painting station. Confirmation service hours will be given to volunteers who help with games and cleanup. Volunteers should plan on attending a meeting on August 11 at 6 PM in the parish hall.
    Please RSVP with the office if you plan to attend, or would like to volunteer, no later than Wednesday, August 9.
  4. On the bulletin boards there is a local Department of Health poster about the free health screening with health professional reviews that will be offered in our town next Saturday, August 5th. If you are interested, please check the poster.
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