Parish Announcements for the Week of 7/23/23

July 24, 2023

1. We are approaching the Altar & Rosary garage sale. Drop-off will be the first week in August, and the garage sale will take place Saturday, August 5th.
2. Registration for Youth Faith Formation is $60. However, you can receive a $20 discount per child until July 28. Registrations can be completed after Mass this weekend (the 22nd & 23rd). You can also register in the church office during office hours. Take advantage of the discounted price of $40 by registering this week.

Parent meeting for all Youth Faith Formation parents will be on August 18, and our first class will be on August 23. Substitute teachers and aides are needed for all grades. If you would like to help, call Carol Dutchover, Director of Religious Education, afternoons Monday - Friday.
3. St. Jude Parish in Alamagordo is offering a Conference for Catholic Men and Women on September 23. There is more information on the poster located on the bulletin board. If you are interested in participating, please contact our parish office.
4. We are planning to celebrate the Parish Feast on Sunday, August 13th (on the calendar the Feast is on Tuesday, August 15th). In the parish bulletin, you will find a poster with more details. For parishioners who are not reading the bulletin, the poster is also located on the bulletin boards. Everyone who plans to attend is asked to RSVP and call the parish office no later than Wednesday, August 9th.
5. On the bulletin boards there is a Local Department of Health poster about the free health screening with health professional reviews that will be offered in our town on Saturday, August 5th. If you are interested, please check the poster.

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