Parish Announcements for the Week of 1/28/2024

January 29, 2024

1. The ushers will take the second Collection for the Church in Latin America. This collection will support pastoral programs throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. Projects include the work of evangelization, formation of laity, religious and seminarians, as well as youth ministry and catechesis. Thank you for your donations!
2. The Altar & Rosary Society will be having a membership tea on Sunday, February 11 from 2 to 4 PM in the parish hall. For more info, please call the parish office.
3. The Universal Stage for the Synod on Synodality has begun. This is the third and final phase of the synodal process, leading up to the second Vatican Assembly to be convened in Rome in October 2024. The first Global Assembly was held at the Vatican, in October 2023. Documents related to the Global Assembly can be accessed through the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) website, The USCCB Synod Team is requesting that dioceses in the United States conduct “Listening Sessions” during Lent, 2024, with reports/information gathered from these sessions to be submitted to the USCCB Synod Team by April, 2024 in preparation for the second Vatican Assembly in Rome. Soon we will provide more information.
4. Our Diocese is organizing on Sunday, February 11th at the NM Farm and Ranch Heritage Museum a “Theology of Style” Conference for girls 12-17 and mothers. For more information please check to poster located in the back of the church.
5. In celebration of Catholic Schools Week, students from All Saints Catholic School are here to distribute prayer intention cards after Mass. Students would like to pray for your intentions during their morning prayers.
6. Every Monday at the Mary’s Chapel we have the Flame of Love Rosary. But this coming Friday, Feb.,2nd, we celebrate the Flame of Love Feast. We would like to invite all parishioners on Friday at 11 AM to pray the Flame of Love Rosary together.
7. This is the last week to obtain a plenary indulgence, granted in celebration of the 800th anniversary of St. Francis and his Christmas nativity at Greccio. For more information please check the poster.
8. As every year in January we will have the “United in Ministry Appeal”. More information will be shared by UIM Coordinator Mary Ann Tuten.

Bishop Peter also wants to share a few words with us. Even though he is not at the altar now, he is with us ---- in a different way [see video on the
UIM page].

UIM envelopes are available in the back of the Church. Please ask the ushers, and they will give them to you. 
Next weekend will be the “Pledge Weekend”. On Sunday, February 4th after the 11 AM Mass, we will have the UIM Luncheon, during which we will present data from last year and a report on what the campaign funds are used for. During the meeting, there will also be an opportunity to make donations: cash, card, using the phone or a QR code. Parishioners who plan to attend are asked to notify the parish office by Wednesday, January 31 so that we can prepare enough food for everyone.

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