Parish Announcements for the Week of 1/7/2024

January 8, 2024
  1. After Mass, All Saints Catholic School PTS will be selling tickets for a fundraiser to raise money to buy a canopy for the new playground equipment.
  2. On Monday, January 8, we are celebrating the Baptism of the Lord. We will have a 12:10 PM Mass. Also, there will be a funeral celebrated at 10 AM, so we will have no Holy Rosary or confession before the 12:10 PM Mass.
  3. One more time, I would like to thank all who served this past year, especially the parish volunteers, Faith Formation and RCIA catechists, money counters, ushers, choir members, altar servers, church decorators, extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, especially for home-bound parishioners, and office staff. Thank you for your donations to the church and your effort in helping our parish during this past year. I appreciate the care, time, and energy you have given. May God bless all and each of you!!!
  4. All couples married in the Catholic Church celebrating their Paper (1st), Silver (25th), Gold (50th), or 50+ wedding anniversary in 2024, are invited to attend a Mass at the Cathedral of Immaculate Heart of Mary in Las Cruces on Saturday, February 10, 2024 at 5:30 PM, and at St. Peter Parish in Roswell on Sunday, February 11, 2024, at 11:00 AM, and receive a blessing from Bishop Peter Baldacchino. Couples wishing to celebrate these milestone anniversaries must register with their parish priest no later than January 25, 2024, and provide him with a certificate of marriage from the Catholic parish where the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony was celebrated, or a recent Baptism certificate (within the last 6 months) with notations of the back of the certificate indicating the marriage is recognized by the Church. For questions, call the parish office.
  5. We are inviting parishioners to participate in Adoration for Life on Thursday at 7 PM.
  6. It is time again to write the cryptic-sounding message on our front doors: 20+C+M+B+24. The letters have two meanings: they stand for the three Magi—Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar—and also for Christus Mansionem Benedicat, that is, Christ bless this house. The numbers indicate the current year. We encourage you to take the blessed chalk after Mass along with the home blessing prayer.
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