Parish Announcements for the Week of 2/5/23

February 6, 2023
  1. Carnations for Life. Thank you for your generosity! A check for $753.47 was given to the local Citizens for Life. Please continue supporting the pro-life cause through your prayers. On Thursday at 7 PM there will be Adoration for Life led by Sanctity of Life Ministry.
  2. Sunday after 11 AM Mass we will have the UIM Lunch. Please join us to watch Bishop’s Video and learn more about the Appeal.
  3. The All Saints Catholic School Mardi Gras Gala dinner and dance is on Saturday, February 18, from 6:30 PM to 11:00 PM, in the St. Peter Church Gym. Food will be catered by Peppers, and DJ Louis Najar will provide the music. Tickets are $60 each. You can buy them in advance from the school, or at the door. For more info, call the school or visit their website.
  4. Next Sunday, February 12, NMMI Mass will be celebrated at 1 PM instead of 5 PM.
  5. I would like to read a letter from Mother Mary Angela – Poor Clare Monastery Abbess.

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