Parish Announcements for the Week of 4/2/23

April 3, 2023

1. Thank you to everyone who has been collecting money to donate during Lent to help others in need through the Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowls. We are now collecting the filled Rice Bowls until April 12. Please return your family’s Rice Bowl in the collection basket on Easter Sunday, or bring it to the church office. If you write a check, please note the donation is for Rice Bowl. Thank you.

2. This Sunday we started the Holy Week, the most solemn week on the church’s calendar:

Holy Thursday - Last Supper mass - 7 PM

Good Friday - Stations of the Cross - 5:30 PM

  Veneration of the Cross - 6 PM

Holy Saturday - Blessing of the Food - 9:30 AM

     Easter Vigil - 8 PM

Easter Sunday - 9 AM & 11 AM - no NMMI Mass.

3. The Divine Mercy Novena begins on Good Friday, April 7, and concludes Saturday, April 17. In private revelations to St. Faustina, Jesus asked that the Feast of Divine Mercy be preceded by a novena praying for nine intentions with the Divine Mercy Chaplet. In the back of the church, you will find the Divine Mercy Chaplet with the Novena.

4. On Monday, April 3, we will have a Lenten Reconciliation Service at 6 PM (10 priests will be available). We encourage everyone (children, youth, and adults) to take advantage of confession. In the back of the church, you will find the poster regarding which priest will hear confession, where, and in which language (also provided above).

5. The parish office will be open on Thursday from 8 AM - 1 PM instead of 5 PM and will be closed on Good Friday.

6. Please join us for the Knights of Columbus annual Easter Egg Hunt on Easter Sunday from 1 PM - 3 PM. Please meet in the parish hall.

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